Envelope Ensemble
my very first theatermaking adventure
I created Envelope Ensemble to explore Tragedy across Brooklyn. The company gained a cult following for its free productions in pop up venues packing houses, backyards, roof tops, and an occult bookstore with mythic musical celebrations.
Envelope Ensemble debuted with a production of Adrienne Kennedy's Electra (Euripides). The cast featured Sarah Cline, Tim Torres, Pooya Mohseni, John Bateman, Schuyler Mastain, Abby Judd, Nyssa Duchow, Maggie Herskowitz, Jasmin Levin, Christine Bermúdez, John Erich De La Torre, and Ty Sunderland. The evening was directed by Ariel Kline (who also composed the featured song), with music production overseen by Ryan Camenzuli, costumes and makeup by Rita Mae Sylvester, lighting by John Erich De La Torre, produced by Charles Quittner and ancient Greek translated and coached by Carrie-Ann Biondi.
Read about the process in Vice!

Third Space and Envelope Ensemble exploded the words of Aaron Posner's Chekhovian riff Stupid Fucking Bird all over a Bushwick apartment:
Pooya Mohseni led a reading of Medea.
A reading of Bacchae at Catland Books.
"The entire evening reeked of the enthusiasm of youth, in the most pleasant, most viscous, most Bushwick way." -Bushwick Daily